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For more information and answers, please contact our main office at 303-344-4910.


Pickens is accredited by four different bodies, each determining its viability as a technical institution. Our curriculum, graduation rates, and employment in relevant career fields are all considered in gaining and obtaining our accreditation. Pickens is currently accredited by the Council of Occupational Education, the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, the Department of Education, and Aurora Public Schools.

When a student completes a program at Pickens Technical College they earn a certificate of completion. The curriculum of every program sets up students to earn any industry-standard certifications necessary for entry into relevant career fields during or upon completion of the program. All curriculum at Pickens is accredited and assigned Colorado college credit hour value, and all graduating students finish with college credits to their name. Many of these credits are transferable to other Colorado colleges in the case of continued education. However, a degree is not awarded at the end of a program of study.

All programs at Pickens are taught by industry professionals who have worked in relevant fields. Most of our teachers have spent 10, 20, or more years in the industry before coming to Pickens to share their knowledge.

Pickens Technical College will assess the veteran’s JTS and will award credit based on ACE recommendation. Any student who has acquired occupational knowledge in his/her program area through previous education, work experience, on-the-job training, or any means other than formal education may challenge any course that will apply to specific CTE certificate programs. Some courses within a program do not provide challenging opportunities. Pickens Technical College’s student services coordinator will assist any veteran or active military student in selecting a certificate program and verifying PLA credit awarded for the chosen program of study.


The total cost of a program is made up of tuition and supply fees, therefore, the total cost differs from program to program. However, the estimated total cost per program is available on the program flyers links on every program page.

Payments are made by semester, and the full cost of the program must be paid in order for a student to receive their certificate upon graduation. Individual programs may have exceptions or extra stipulations to the payment process.

Financial Aid can be awarded for a number of reasons and can cover a portion or full costs of the program. To find out what you qualify for, contact our financial aid office.

Pickens offers a number of different financial aid options. From FAFSA grants to independent scholarships, most students qualify for some form of financial aid. For more information about the different types of financial aid we accept and offer, please see our financial aid page.


High school students interested in applying should begin the process by talking with their high school counselor. Post secondary students interested in applying can fill out the free online application, found here.

Enrollment for Pickens Technical College is open year-round. The majority of Pickens’ programs have a start date in fall. Enrollment for a Pickens program is first-come, first serve.

For students who are still exploring their career options, we recommend taking our quick career assessment and exploring our offered programs.


Pickens partners with employers in the community to help offer internships and apprenticeships to our students. Some programs have internships built in as part of the program curriculum.

Pickens Technical College offers support for current and graduated students in the job finding process. Our Career Services Department partners with employers in the community, and is an available on-campus service to help our students in all parts of the job seeking process.

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