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Enroll for the Upcoming Semester

Now accepting applications for the Fall 2025 Semesters. Apply for free today!

Enrollment for Fall 2025 will begin April 8th. The Fall 2025 enrollment timeline will be announced soon. For reference click here to see the Fall 2024 Enrollment Timeline.


Are you ready to take control of your career and future? Enrollment at Pickens Technical College in Aurora, CO is easy. Just follow the steps below. Our easy checklist ensures you have everything you need whether you’re enrolling as a high school or post-secondary student. Contact us to learn more.

Please note: Application to Pickens technical college is 100% free and 100% online. We accept applications all year. Application to Pickens does not mean you are enrolled in classes. To reserve a space in a program, students must be fully enrolled. To become enrolled in a program, please follow the enrollment process below.

Contact Registration


Post-Secondary Enrollment

Each Fall, all programs enroll new cohorts of students. Start dates align with the Aurora Public School calendar. Cosmetology, Dental Assisting, and Practical Nursing have additional Spring enrollment. Applications are rolled forward to the nearest applicable start date. First-time students can only submit one application.  If applicants would like to revise their application, they should contact registration at

Step One: Discover Your Program

Learn more about Pickens programming and the program that might be the best fit for you:

Step Two: Apply

Complete the free online application. You will receive an email confirming your application submission and will be provided with the next steps.

Step Three: Create a Financial Plan

Contact the financial aid office to assess Pell Grant Eligibility. Once registered, students will work with the cashier’s office to create a payment plan.

Step Four: Register

Check Fall 2024 Registration for information on when your program’s registration window opens. The morning of your program’s registration window opening, you will get a registration email from if you have completed all the necessary steps. Reply to the registration email to confirm your spot in the program. Spaces are reserved based on who replies first. Once your spot in the program is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email.

Step five: Make a deposit

All programs will require a $100 non-refundable payment to secure your spot.

Deposits must be paid the week of June 10th. If no deposit has been made by June 14th, your reserved space will be forfeited and made available to applicants on the waitlist.

High School Enrollment

Each Fall, all programs enroll new cohorts of students.  Start dates align with the Aurora Public School calendar (available on the APS website). Cosmetology, Dental Assisting, and have additional Spring enrollment. All students in the APS district are welcome to apply for concurrent enrollment at Pickens Technical College. For more information about High School concurrent enrollment, visit our High School Students page.

Step Two: Create an Academic Plan

Meet with your high school counselor to discuss eligibility and create an academic plan.

Step Three: Apply

Complete your application through your high school counselor.

Enrollment Resources

Career Assessment

Unsure or your future? We'll help you find out what your interests and what careers options are in your future! Take the online career exploration assessment..

Browse Programs

We offer over two dozen programs in a range of career fields. Want to learn more about what careers we prepare you to enter? Explore our programs of study.

Consult With an Advisor

Want to talk to an expert about your options and opportunities? Connect with one of our career advisors!

Ready to Get Started?