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Enrolling, Attending, or Graduating?

Visit the career services department for support in your education. Pickens Technical College Advisors guide all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social/emotional management, and career development, ensuring that today’s students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow! Pickens career advisors are knowledgeable experts well-placed to help you find a career that meets your goals. Whether you are seeking to change career direction, find a placement, find a role that plays to your strengths, our goal is to equip you with everything you need to find the career you have been waiting for. Our goal is to be your one-stop resource on your path to securing the job of your dreams.

female staff image

Pamela Rouch

Career Advisor
303-344-4910 ext. 27909

Jenise Rosa, staff member at Pickens Technical College in Aurora, CO.

Jenise Rosa

Career Advisors
303-344-4910 ext.27935

Visit Our on Campus Career Advisors for Student Resources!


Support for High School concurrent enrollment process.


Academic and industry information and guidance

Small Group Tours

Individual and small group tours.

Advising Services

Initial advising services for post secondary students in the enrollment process

Registration Support

Enrollment and registration support.

Relations With High School Counselors

Primary contact and relations for high school counselors.

two people inspecting plants

Start Your Career at Pickens Technical College!

Plan for your future with the help of career advisors. Explore our 28 programs and start on the path for your future career.

High School   Post-Secondary

Students getting career placement support at Pickens Technical College in Aurora, CO.

Career Placement Support

The career services department provides support for students in developing their professional skills. Students and Alumni alike are welcome to receive help from our advisors for:

  • Career planning
  • Resume writing
  • Interview skills
  • Job seeking
  • Community referrals
  • Professional development resources

Ready to Get Started?