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Create Visual Concepts to Communicate Ideas That Inspire, Inform, & Captivate Consumers

The Multimedia Graphic Design program helps students prepare for different career paths in print and digital design. This includes graphic design, web design, illustration, layout, and print design. In the first semester, students will learn about design principles, typography, color theory, and how to use software for photo manipulation and digital art creation. In the second semester, students will learn to use advanced software programs for logo design, web design, animation, and illustration. In the second year, students will further develop their design and software skills through projects like poster design, annual reports, ad layouts, ad campaigns, web design, and building a professional portfolio for job opportunities.

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What Our Students Learn

  • Operation of industry-standard software
  • Design principles, color theory, and typography
  • Web design, Logo design, Digital Illustration, Ad campaigns, Layouts,
  • Branding, and other design-related projects
  • Designer-client relationship skills
  • Portfolio building
  • Freelance business principles

Career Outlook

  • Employment opportunity in this field is 4 times higher than the national average of a job
  • Entry level salaries start at $35,000 and up
  • Median salary is $55,000
  • 10% of workers earn $87,000 or more
graphic design student working

Program Experience

  • Students gain experience in a simulated shop environment with industry grade equipment
  • Enrollment options are available for both high school students and post-secondary students
  • 1 year of classes

John Lawson

303-344-4910 ext. 27959

Accredited Certificate Courses (47 credits)

All credits earned at Pickens technical college are recognized by the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), and are eligible for transfer to other colleges within the state of Colorado.

Explores the use of tools, computer graphics techniques and design layout principles to produce professional graphic designs. Studies include printing basics, typography and digital color systems. Students use creative thinking to solve communication and design concepts for the output process.

Covers the creation and production of graphic projects, emphasizing the layout creative design process, problem solving, and research. Provides experience producing thumbnails, roughs and digital layouts emphasizing refined creative typography.

Concentrates on the high-end capabilities of a raster photo-editing software as an illustration, design and photo retouching tool. Students explore a wide range of selection and manipulation techniques that can be applied to photos, graphics and videos.

Students will explore the processes of a vector drawing program on the computer. Students learn how to use the tools to create digital artwork that can be used in web design, print media and digital screen design.

Introduces students to InDesign, a page layout program which integrates seamlessly with other Adobe design programs. InDesign delivers creative freedom and productivity to DTP. Class discussions and independent projects supplement hands-on classroom work.

Introduces the history and concepts of typography as applied to graphic communications. Explores appropriate use of typography in a variety of design applications, emphasizing the basic design principles of typographic compositions and typesetting. Covers type recognition and typographic terms.

Surveys visual communications, its history and impact on society. A foundation course for graphic design and illustration majors and a survey for non-majors who are interested in the field. Assignments require minimal artistic talent.

Introduces website planning, design and creation using industry standards-based website development tools. Screen-based color theory, web aesthetics, use of graphics editors and intuitive interface design are explored.

Stresses creation of animation and dynamic interactive media for web and multimedia applications to a professional standard. Students will learn how to develop projects for time-based media, key-frames, tweens, and symbols. Students will learn how to use actions to trigger timeline events to create interactive behaviors.

Covers the process of comprehensive problem-solving of complex and advanced print design. Provides experience in digital production of designs, using multiple computer applications emphasizing concept.

Develops and reinforces image composition techniques learned in Adobe Photoshop I, MGD 1011. Fundamentals are continuously reinforced as new design techniques are introduced.

Enables the student to continue the development of electronic drawing skills through practice and use of state-of-the-art illustration software.

Expands on previously learned fundamentals of HTML introducing cascading style sheets, DHTML, JavaScript, and CGI forms. Color usage and interface design principles are emphasized in this course. In this course, we’ll examine Web sites that employ more complex structures, optimal site architecture, and navigation necessary for larger and more complex sites.

Provides an opportunity to combine several draw and paint applications into one design and layout class. Students will explore advanced techniques in creating and designing computer art.

Presents a guide to freelance work and a study of business practices and procedures and models unique to creative occupations (graphic design, web design, animation, fine arts). Discussion includes determining charges, business forms, business planning, tax structure, licenses and registration, self-promotion (resume, website, portfolio, business identity package). Course may include visits by professionals in the field and discussion of career opportunities in a quickly changing career field.

Meets the individual needs of students. Students engage in intensive study or research under the direction of a qualified instructor.

commercial printer

Meet the Design Lab

Interested in the services of a graphic designer? Want to help support our in-training graphic design students? The Pickens Design Lab partners with members of our community to offer free design services provided by our students. The Multimedia Graphic Designs students can help with:

  • Branding
  • Logos
  • Posters
  • Invitations
  • Reports
  • Flyers
  • Apparel
  • Stickers
  • And More!

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