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Online Learning at Pickens Technical College

Pickens Technical College provides online open-enrollment training for developing professional-level skills in a range of industries and high-demand careers. Our noncredit courses are created by a group of experts to deliver an interactive, interesting, and encouraging learning setting. Qualified instructors and mentors are accessible to support you in your studies and provide aid and encouragement during the training journey.

Military Online Learning Online IT Bootcamp

Online courses are designed to help you prepare for a new career or advance within your current job. These programs typically last from 3 to 12 months and cover a wide range of content to give you a comprehensive understanding of the course topic. Below are some highly recommended and popular online courses that can greatly assist in your professional development.

Prepare to take the IAAP certified administrative professional exam and learn organizational communication, human resources fundamentals, and records management.

Click here to learn more.

This course successfully prepares you for the CompTIA Security+ exam by learning about network security and risk management.

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Prepare to take the National Healthcare Associations (NHA) certified electronic health records specialists exam.

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Prepare to take the HRCI Professional in Human Resources exam while learning about hiring disciplines and labor relations.

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This course prepares you for the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) Certified Professional Coder (CPC) exam.

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Master SQL using an Oracle database and write sophisticated queries for the database.

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Completing the course will give you membership to the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) and prepare you for NALA’s Certified Paralegal exam.

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This course will teach you the essentials of project management and prepare you for the CAPM exam.

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Learn the basics of python and advanced functions like CSV, JSON, XML, and finally NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib.

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We offer over 100 other courses in a dozen different fields. To see all available online courses, click here.

Online trainings are brief 6-week programs created to focus on a specific area of content. If you want to enhance your skills at work, our online training is practical and aimed at helping you learn the extra skills required to succeed. The trainings listed below are highly sought after and recommended.

The Individual Excellence course will teach you twelve vital career-enhancing skills. You will establish a clear career path and use skills like interpersonal communication and time management to achieve your goals. You will also learn how to utilize your creativity and problem-solving skills to work through adversity.

Click here to learn more.

Become more confident, make great first impressions, get along with others, and create better personal and professional relationships. This course provides a step-by-step process to becoming a great conversationalist as you use communication to build rapport and create trust, warmth, and respect.

Click here to learn more.

Gain the respect and admiration of others by developing your leadership skills. Even if you’re not working in a leadership role, this course will teach you how to use the principles of great leaders to achieve success in your professional and personal life.

Click here to learn more.

We offer hundreds of other training in a dozen different fields. To see all available online training, click here.

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