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Use customer service and marketing methods in business practices

The first semester of this program provides students with an introduction to marketing and hospitality. Units of study during this course include analysis of theoretical marketing processes and the strategies of product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution, and their applications to businesses and the individual consumer. In addition, students will be introduced to marketing aspects of the Hospitality Industry including hotels, restaurants, travel and tourism, conventions and meetings, clubs, and other food service entities. Students will explore career opportunities in all those areas. In the second semester, students will focus on customer service and event marketing. Topics include the marketing relationship of self to customers, problem-solving, and understanding the importance of communicating with customers. Specific emphasis is given to managing customer expectations by building customer rapport and creating positive outcomes. Event marketing topics include defining the importance and role of marketing, media, and public relations in the event planning industry. Students will also identify and implement marketing and communication tools such as social media, promotional events, networking, and blogs.

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What Our Students Learn

  • Acquisition of strong leadership skills through participation in DECA
  • Event planning, setup, promotion and management
  • Marketing operations research and strategic planning
  • Theoretical product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution
  • Customer relations, service and communications
  • Gain industry experience through guest speakers, site visits, and internships
  • Development of interpersonal skills, professionalism, dependability and organization
  • Class is conducted in a hybrid model (in-person and virtual)
marketing specialist

Program Experience

  • Students spend 50% of their time learning concepts in a classroom, and 50% of their time with hands-on practical work
  • Students gain their Hospitality & Tourism Specialist (HTS), Certified Guest Service Provider (CGSP), S.T.A.R.T. Front Desk and Restaurant Server, and TIPS certification as part of the curriculum
  • An internship is built in to the curriculum
    -Enrollment options are available for both high school students and post-secondary students
  • 1 year of classes

Courtney B. Tanguma

Instructor, Marketing
303-344-4910 ext 27749

Industry Certifications & Degrees:

  • University of Northern Colorado, Greeley CO – Bachelor Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Computer Information Systems
  • University of Phoenix, Lonetree CO – Masters Degree in Secondary Education, Business and Marketing
  • Regis University, Denver CO – Linguistically Diverse Learners Certificate

Program of Study

30 college credits | 3 high school credits

All credits earned at Pickens technical college are recognized by the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), and are eligible for transfer to other colleges within the state of Colorado.

Describes the history, development, and operation of the hospitality industry including careers in the industry, management practices, accounting procedures, destinations, and lodging.

Introduces learners to careers and the organization and structure of the Hospitality Industry including: hotels, restaurants, non-commercial food service, travel and tourism, conventions and meetings, clubs, and other food service entities. Topics include exploring career opportunities, understanding the world of Hotels and Restaurants, Food Service Organizational structures, an introduction to the Meetings Industry, and analyzing the size and scope of the Noncommercial Foods segment.

Provides a basic knowledge of the planning and development of an event or meeting, including the budgeting, arranging of entertainment and catering, and the lodging of participants.

Meets the individual needs of students. Students engage in intensive study or research under the direction of a qualified instructor.

Enables the student to understand and develop a solid foundation of the Fundamentals of Selling. In addition, the course addresses three additional key areas of selling and sales techniques: Selling Against the Competition, Selling Broadband Services, and Business Solutions Selling.

Enables the student to understand and develop ethical sales techniques and covers the role of selling in the marketing process. Areas of emphasis include hevaborial considerations in the buying and selling process and sales techniques.

Enables students to learn the relationship of self to customers, problem solve, and understand the importance of communicating with customers. Specific emphasis is given to managing customer expectations by building customer rapport and creating positive outcomes.

Provides students with the opportunity to supplement course work with practical work experience related to their educational program and occupational objectives. Students are placed at approved workstations that are related to their program of study. They work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the business location and with the direct guidance of the instructor/coordinator.

Defines the importance and role of marketing, media, and public relations in the event planning industry. Identify marketing and communication tools such as social media, promotional events, networking, and blogs. Design a marketing plan to include target market research, communication tools, objectives, strategies, and implementation.

Presents the analysis of theoretical marketing processes and the strategies of product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution, and their applications to businesses and the individual consumer.

Provides students with the opportunity to supplement coursework with practical work experience related to their educational program. Students work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the business location and with the direct guidance of the instructor.

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