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graphic designer at work

Arts & Technology

Cyber Technician

Provide help and advice to computer users and organizations. See this program.

Electronics Technician

Design, create, and troubleshoot electronics and circuits related to devices that impact our daily lives. See this program.

Multimedia Graphic Design

Create visual concepts using computer software or by hand to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. See this program.

Professional Photography

Blend creativity and passion with a digital media skill set to produce and preserve photography for clients, companies, and communities. See this program.

medical professionals learning


Dental Assisting / EDDA

Provide patient care, take x-rays, keep records, schedule appointments, assist dentists in all aspects of treatment. See this program.

Medical Assistant

Support the work of physicians, nurses, and other health professionals by performing clinical and administrative work. See this program.

Nurse Aide

Provide basic care and help patients with activities of daily living, such as transporting patients and cleaning treatment areas. See this program.

Pharmacy Technician

Fill and compound prescriptions, collaborate with a licensed pharmacist, and engage with pharmacy customers. See this program.

Practical Nursing

Provide basic nursing care in medical and assisted living environments. See this program.

Advanced Respiratory Care

Provide critical care and therapy for patients with various respiratory conditions. See this program.

business man reviewing documents

Business & Marketing


Practice marketing and customer service concepts through a hospitality and tourism lens. See this program.

Small Business Management

Practice fundamentals of accounting, finance, business, and taxes. See this program.


man spraying plant in greenhouse

Natural Sciences

Environmental Horticulture

Landscape and operate greenhouses using skills such as propagation and plant identification. See this program.

Veterinary Assistant

Handle routine animal care including feeding, bathing, blood draws, restraints, and general treatment under the care of a veterinarian. See this program.

man welding

Skilled Trades

Advanced Manufacturing

Transform raw materials such as metal or plastic into precision components through both manual, machine, and computer-oriented operations. See this program.

Master Automotive Service Technician

Inspect, maintain, and repair cars and light trucks. See this program.

Advanced Construction Methods

Read blueprints, estimate, frame drywall, operate tools, and other relevant duties. See this program.

Diesel Technology

Inspect, maintain and repair the electrical systems, heavy duty breaks, lighting, and engine systems of diesel vehicles. See this program.

Facilities Maintenance Technician

Repair large and small appliances. Help maintain buildings with basic electrical, plumbing, and carpentry skills. See this program.

Heating & Air Conditioning Service Technology

Analyze systems, troubleshoot, and service HVAC equipment. See this program.

Motorcycle Service Technology Advanced Technician

Inspect, service, and repair motorcycles. These duties are done using mechanical theory, tool operation, engine construction understanding, diagnostic procedures, and electrical theory. See this program.

Non-Structural Repair Technician

Repair automotive vehicle bodies and straighten vehicle frames. This program simulates a repair shop environment where work is performed on customer vehicles. See this program.

Refinishing Technician

Refinish and paint vehicle components and autobodies. This program simulates a repair shop environment where work is performed on customer vehicles. See this program.


Read blueprints, fabricate, and weld using a variety of industry-standard metal and gas techniques. See this program.

person cutting another person's hair

Human Services


Perform haircuts, clipper cuts, straight-edge shaves, and a range of additional hair-related services. See this program.


Perform haircuts, color services, perms, styling, and other additional cosmetology-related services. See this program.

Culinary Arts

Perform kitchen and culinary duties in commercial kitchens, hotels, and restaurants. See this program.


Help clients maintain healthy skin through skin care services, professional product application, waxing, and beautifying techniques. See this program.

Nail Technician

Maintain natural and artificially enhanced nails. See this program.

students writing on white board

High School Student Programs

Apprenticeship to Teaching

For 2 semesters, students will focus on gaining teaching experience in a real workplace setting, and be prepared for continuing onto a 4-year degree in education. See this program.

Executive Internship

For 1 semester, students will be provided with a real-world workplace environment through an internship, with the goal of learning valuable professional job skills. See this program.

woman using laptop

Online Only Programs

Online Learning

Pickens Technical College offers online open enrollment non-credit training to acquire skills for professional-level employment in a variety of industries and in-demand occupations. Learn more.

Online IT Bootcamps

Our Information Technology (IT) Bootcamps will prepare you for in-demand, high-paying jobs in the tech sector. Learn more.

Military Online Learning

Pickens Technical College offers online non- credit training for military personal and spouses. Learn more.

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