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Inspect, Maintain, and Repair Cars and Light Trucks

The Master Automotive Service Technician Program provides students with the needed skills for successful entry into an automotive servicing career. This is a college-level program that is NATEF certified, with options of continued study of only 15 more credits at CCA for an Associates degree. Students are taught not only how to repair vehicles but are also trained in industry professionalism and other workforce readiness skills. The shop has all of the latest automotive equipment for students to work within their practical studies. The class provides experience in all eight specialty areas found in the field as well as preparation for ASE testing and certification.

Looking for a night class? Master Automotive Service Technician is also offered as an evening program.

In addition, the student may also earn the following industry-based certificates:

  • SP/2 Safety Certificates
  • Ford Service Online Training
  • Hunter Alignment
  • Snap-On Certification
  • Subaru Web-Based Training

Program Flyer Steps for Enrollment Pickens Lookbook See the Classroom

What Our Students Learn

  • Diagnostic testing
  • Repairing engines, air systems and brakes
  • Testing electrical systems
  • Aligning suspension systems
  • Transmission maintenance and repair
Master Automotive Technician Fixing A Car's Engine in Aurora, CO

Career Outlook

  • Employment opportunity in this field is 2 times higher than the national average of a job
  • Entry level salaries start at $27,000 and up
  • Median salary is $50,000
  • 10% of workers earn $77,000 or more
automotive students working in shop

Class Experience

  • Students spend 50% of their time learning concepts in a classroom, and 50% of their time in the shop with hands-on practical work
  • Students gain experience in a simulated shop environment with industry-grade equipment
  • An off-site internship is built in to the curriculum
  • Students gain their ASE student certification as part of the curriculum
  • Enrollment options are available for both high school students and post-secondary students
  • 2 years of classes

Ed Martin

Instructor, Master Automotive Service Technician
303-344-4910 ext 27706

Industry Certifications & Degrees:

  • ASE Master Technician
  • Light-Duty Diesel Certification
  • Senior Master Technician with Ford Motor Company
  • Member of IATN (International Automotive Technicians Network)
  • Board member on the National Board of Directors for NACAT (North American Council of Automotive Teachers).

Darcy Niblo

Instructor, Master Automotive Service Technician
303-344-4910 ext 27709

Industry Certifications & Degrees:

  • 7 ASE certifications in automotive repair and service
  • Snap-on tools Certified Trainer
  • Accredited Automotive Manager for the Automotive Management Institute
  • Colorado Community College System (CCCS) PS CTE (Transportation, Maintenance & Sales)
  • Colorado Department of Education (CDE) SEC/PS CTE Authorization (Transportation, Maintenance & Sales)
  • International Automotive Technicians Network (IANT)
  • SkillsUSA chapter Advisor
  • North American Council of Automotive Teachers (NACAT) Member

Levi Shaw

Instructor, Master Automotive Service Technician
303-344-4910 ext 27934

Industry Certifications & Degrees:

  • ASE Certified
  • ASE G1
  • Toyota Certified
  • CTE Secondary
  • CTE Post-Secondary

Sam Gangwisch

Instructor, Master Automotive Service Technician
303-344-4910 ext 27711

Industry Certifications & Degrees:

  • ASE Master Automotive Certification
  • VW/AUDI WTI Certification
  • MINI WTI Certification
  • BMW WTI Certification
  • Mercedes Benz WTI Certification
  • Crown Lift Trucks Certified Forklift Technician

Accredited Certificate Courses (58 credits)

All credits earned at Pickens technical college are recognized by the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), and are eligible for transfer to other colleges within the state of Colorado.

Provides students with safety instruction in the shop and on the Automobile. Emphasis is placed on the proper use and care of test equipment, precision measuring and machining equipment, gaskets, adhesives, tubing, wiring, jacks, presses, and cleaning equipment and techniques.

Prepares the incoming automotive student to work in the shop safely and gain familiarity with the shop and common equipment.

Covers basic operation of automotive braking systems. Includes operation, diagnosis, and basic repair of disc brakes, drum brakes, and basic hydraulic systems.

Teaches skills to perform service checks and procedures to automotive foundation braking system and to identify components and types of ABS and traction control systems.

Introduces automotive electricity and includes basic electrical theory, circuit designs, and wiring methods. Focuses on multi-meter usage and wiring diagrams.

Teaches the student to Identify the operation of vehicle lighting systems, Supplemental Inflatable Restraints (SIR), windshield wipers, driver warning systems, and vehicle accessories.

Covers the operation, testing, and servicing of vehicle battery, starting, and charging systems. Includes voltage testing of starter and generator, load testing and maintenance of a battery.

Focuses on lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and necessary corrective actions of automotive engine performance factors.

Focuses on lecture and laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and repair of automotive fuel emission control systems, filter systems, and spark plugs. Course also includes maintenance to diesel (DEF) systems.

Focuses on lecture and related experiences in the diagnosis and service of suspensions and steering systems and their components.

Covers design, diagnosis, inspection, and service of suspension and steering systems used on light trucks and automobiles. Course includes power steering and SRS service.

Studies the operating principles and repair procedures relating to axle-shaft and universal joints.

Focuses on lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and repair of automotive manual transmissions, transaxles and clutches, and related components.

Focuses on lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and repair of automotive manual transmissions, transaxles and clutches and related components.”

Covers engine sealing requirements and repair procedures; engine fasteners, bolt torque, and repair of fasteners. Course will also cover cooling system and basic engine maintenance.

Covers engine sealing requirements and repair procedures; engine fasteners, bolt torque, and repair of fasteners. Course will also cover cooling system and basic engine maintenance.

Continues to build upon the principles that are expected to be understood by students.

Covers the operation and theory of the modern automotive braking systems. Includes operation, diagnosis, service, and repair of the anti-lock braking systems, power assist units and machine operations of today’s automobile.

Provides a comprehensive study of the theory, operation, diagnosis, and repair of vehicle accessories.

Focuses on lecture and laboratory experiences in the inspection and testing of typical computerized engine control systems.

Focuses on lectures and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and repair of electronic fuel injection systems and modern exhaust systems.

Covers operation of steering and power steering systems. It will also include different alignment types and procedures.

Emphasizes lecture and related experiences in the diagnosis and service of electronic suspensions and steering systems and their components.

Covers diagnosis, principles of hydraulics, principles of electronic components, power flow, theory of operation, remove and re-install transmission/transaxle, and replacement of components.

Covers basic operation of the Heating and Air Conditioning components.

Emphasizes lecture and related laboratory experiences in the diagnosis and service of vehicle heating and air conditioning systems and their components.

Meets the individual needs of students. Students engage in intensive study or research under the direction of a qualified instructor.


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