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Analyze, Troubleshoot, and Service HVAC Units

The Heating and Air Conditioning Service Technology Program prepares the student with entry-level residential skills required by employers in this industry. It is industry-focused, with the student being given the opportunity to earn their EPA certification, administered by the ESCO Institute. The Heating semester of the program consists of education in job safety, soldering and brazing, basic electricity, forced air gas furnace service, hydronic service, airflow problems, duct sizing, and troubleshooting gas-fired equipment. Performance testing after repairs is emphasized. State-of-the-art Simutech computer simulation programs are used along with live equipment in the lab. The Air Conditioning semester of the program consists of basic refrigeration, refrigerant recovery training, principles of A/C operation, heat pumps, further airflow problems, analysis, and troubleshooting the total system. Performance testing after repairs is emphasized. State-of-the-art Simutech computer simulation programs are used along with living equipment in the lab. An on-the-job internship program with Aurora Public Schools Maintenance Department is offered where students can get experience with accomplished HVAC Technicians.

Looking for a night class? This program is also offered as an evening program.

Program Flyer Steps for Enrollment Pickens Lookbook See the Classroom

Technician Servicing A Heating And Air Conditioning Unit in Aurora, CO

What Our Students Learn

  • The principles of electricity as they relate to HVAC systems
  • Servicing of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and their components
  • Repairing or replacing worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts
  • Analysis and troubleshooting of HVAC systems
  • Conferring with customers to assess issues and resolution options
  • Job seeking, interviewing, and other professional skills
HVAC professionals working

Career Outlook

  • Employment opportunity in this field is 8 times higher than the national average of a job
  • Entry level salaries start at $36,000 and up
  • Median salary is $54,000
  • 10% of workers earn $80,000 or more
HVAC professional working

Program Experience

  • Students spend 50% of their time learning concepts in a classroom, and 50% of their time in the shop with hands-on practical work
  • Students gain experience in a simulated shop environment with industry-grade equipment
  • Students gain their OSHA certification as part of the curriculum
  • Enrollment options are available for both high school students and post-secondary students
  • 1 year of classes

Wayne Blackwell

Instructor, Heating & Air Conditioning Service Technology
303-344-4910 ext 27775

Certifications & Degrees:

  • Heating Service Technology
  • Air Conditioning Service Technology
  • EPA- Universal
  • Ice Certificate

Kevin Roy

Night Instructor, Heating & Air Conditioning Service Technology
303-344-4910 ext 27775

Accredited Certificate Courses (35 credits)

All credits earned at Pickens technical college are recognized by the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), and are eligible for transfer to other colleges within the state of Colorado.

Introduces the theory of refrigeration, components, charging, recycling, and evacuation of refrigeration units.

Covers the basic electrical AC theory, including the study of Ohm’s Law to explain the operation of electrical devices.

Introducing the basics from which the student will build their knowledge and understanding of this great career. Studies include class and school policies, safety for the Service Tech, first aid, and basic physics as it applies to heat, matter, and energy.

Introduces students to the fundamentals of gas heating. Students work in a classroom and shop environment. Topics include the basics of gas heating systems, operation of gas valves and burners, gas pipe system design, gas piping system code requirements, and basic code requirements for heating systems.

Studies the different types of tubing and piping materials used in HVAC/R applications. Studies the proper tubing and piping installation methods used in the HVAC/R field. Subjects covered will be the proper cutting and bending procedures including, pipe math and how to make piping offsets. Common types of piping joints will be discussed, including, swaging, flaring, soldering, and brazing. Also covered will be cutting and threading of steel pipe and other alternative mechanical piping connections. Shop projects will include both bench projects and also mock-up installation projects.

Explains the laws regarding refrigerant recovery. The course includes hands-on use of recovery equipment. EPA certification is part of this course, students must pay $40.00 for this optional exam.

Introduces the importance of equipment sizing by teaching how to properly perform heating and cooling load calculations on residential houses. After determining proper equipment sizing, then demonstrate how to design the ductwork system sizing for proper airflow throughout the house.

Covers field analysis of malfunctions on actual, in-house, heating, ventilation, refrigeration, and air conditioning equipment. Customer interaction and diagnosis efficiency are stressed.

Covers the operation, repair, and maintenance of forced air heating systems. The course studies the different types of furnaces, code requirements, common controls, and mechanical problems. This course also explores the A.G.A. approved method of testing furnace heat exchangers. Customer relations and workplace behavior are discussed.

Emphasizes the service of HVAC systems. Troubleshooting techniques and equipment repair will be practiced.

Students will work with the instructor on a specific area with specific objectives and a predetermined project completion date.

Provides a 10-Hour OSHA certification course for general industry and participants will review the current OSHA standards contained in 29 CFR 1910. Participants that complete the course will receive a certificate of completion from the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The course is taught by instructors certified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

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