A Great Place to Start
Pickens Technical College, located in Aurora, happens to be sitting on top of a huge opportunity for its students. I won’t describe the complex economic forces that formed the vortex of job opportunities and growing businesses in the Denver metro area, but suffice it to say that there are many new companies here looking for many, many new workers to help them expand. For students at PTC, the time to gain workforce-ready skills is now. PTC offers its students comprehensive, hands-on training in nearly 50 certificate programs. You can expect excellent training for careers in the healthcare industry, the building trades, and information technology at PTC.
Unless you’ve been living on Mars for the past several years, you should know that healthcare, energy, and information technology are among the fastest-growing job sectors in the United States right now. (If you didn’t know that, it’s okay. That’s why I’m here.) In the Denver metro area especially, these three industries have seen a huge resurgence as new companies spring up and hire more workers. Say what you will about Obamacare, but the changes in healthcare insurance regulation have created opportunities for people like you to get into the healthcare industry as record-keepers or nurses as more people take advantage of their insurance to get more check-ups and other medical services.
PTC is a great place to start your new career or advance your dreams because of its emphasis on getting you the skills you need for the next level. Whether you’re forgoing a traditional college experience to go pro like Kobe or LeBron, or you want to get a start on an undergraduate or advanced degree, PTC has the instructors and the support structure to get you there. In an age of crippling student debt and flat job growth in many areas of the country, many students are starting their educational journeys at technical and community colleges like PTC to earn the tools they need to move on to higher education or directly into the workforce. If you don’t want to get saddled with huge debt after you graduate (trust me, you don’t), PTC is a great way to get the same education as you would get in the first two years at a traditional, four-year institution.
Did you know you can get a good job without attending a four-year institution? It’s true if you learn a technical skill you can market to companies. PTC gears many of its programs and classes to students who are seeking to start making money and begin their careers in a specialized field like auto mechanics. These courses not only teach students how to work in specific industries like auto maintenance, but they also teach them how to market their skills and help their communities. Nowadays, you don’t necessarily need a four-year degree to be successful, but if you do want one, you can get started along that path for much less at PTC. We allow you to transfer to a community college, continue to a 4-year institution and enter the job market with a Bachelor’s degree. All with very little student debt, which, unless the student debt situation changes miraculously in the coming decade, is a huge advantage. Get started with PTC.