PTC Small Business Management Pathway: Free Tax Prep Making a Difference
At the end of the year, business professionals look back and try to save themselves more money for their businesses and their personal finances. In the Pickens Small Business Management program, you’re already working on how to create opportunities to help your business grow, so you can turn the theories and concepts you learned in class into reality for your own business one day.
A constant headache for any small business owner is taxes. No one likes paying taxes, and typically small business leaders don’t like preparing their tax returns. Most people don’t like preparing tax returns, in fact, so many of us hire tax preparers to handle the mountain of IRS forms and regulations, usually for a fee.
An emphasis for the Small Business Management program here at Pickens is community service. All your work to learn how to maximize profits and save on costs here is framed by your vision for what you want to provide others.
Of course, you’ve likely heard of the free tax prep service the PTC Small Business program provides to the Aurora community. When tax season starts in earnest after the end of the year, you’ll see how much of an impact simply (or not so simply) preparing tax returns can be for many families while learning how to manage your own taxes in the process.
Tax Help Making a Difference
There are several tax services in the Denver area that offer similar free tax preparatory services to the community with various stipulations. Most of the free tax preparatory services in Denver are geared at lower-income earners, just like the Small Business Management program’s tax service for families earning less than $65,000.
The impact that these programs can have on families in their communities can be huge. No one wants to be in trouble with the IRS and get threatening letters and fines in the mail, and too often trying to sort through even basic tax returns for many working-class families and individuals can be daunting. I know I’ve often felt helpless trying to pay just the right amount on my tax returns. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to sit down with a professional and get all the answers.
Getting Ready for Tax Season
Crunching the numbers for taxes is a good way to reflect on your financial goals and create new ones. By pitching in and helping families in Aurora file their taxes correctly, you’re opening the doors of opportunity for people in your community to improve and build off their success in 2018.
The Small Business Management program at Pickens is all about creating opportunities for yourself and those around you. If you can help this tax season at the Pickens tax center, you’ll be in for a rewarding experience providing relief and peace of mind to many residents of the community, where you’ll soon be working to build your business yourself.